Monday, September 8, 2008

Do you know your dream???

The other day my friend mentioned that one of his friends has set up a blog wherein the blogger has requested inputs about one’s dreams. Surprisingly there are only 11 entries; my friend said that he too has not listed his, the reason being that he cannot figure out what his dream is. Thinking on this point I too could not pinpoint one such dream which is closest to my heart. What do I really want to achieve or do in life?

Because of our busy schedules we may not take the time to understand what our dreams are. In the bargain we can tend to lead a life devoid of any objective which could give us a sense of achievement.

The question to myself was, "How many times have I waited to think about my dreams and have I done anything to realize them?"
Some weeks back while I was shopping at Crossword (popular book store in India), I stumbled across a charcoal pencils pack and I said to myself I wish I could sketch a portrait or draw a good picture. As a child I used to do fairly well on this but did not pursue the same for long. After giving a moment’s thought I passed off the idea of buying those pencils considering that I may not have the time to sketch or draw.

That day I passed off a dream, which could have given me a sense of achievement and happiness.

Being able to sketch or draw well may be just one of the various dreams. Life is very short but I made a promise to myself that I will live and take action on the various small dreams. And this is MY DREAM.

That conversation gave me the inspiration to take the time to understand and decide my dreams.