Sunday, June 20, 2010

Are we Humans?

Recently I was traveling in the suburbs of Mumbai. It was approximately 3 in the afternoon and the temperature was still soaring high. We halted at a signal and like at any other signal; there were people begging for alms. A small girl approached a nearby rickshaw. Instant reaction of the passenger was to ignore so that the beggar gets dissuaded easily.

However, this little girl persisted. Surprisingly the girl was asking for something from the driver instead from the passenger. On paying closer attention to the conversation I realized that the girl was thirsty and was only requesting for some water which the driver was carrying in a bottle.

On human grounds and as per Indian customs one should NEVER say no for water when asked for. But to my surprise the driver refused to give water and as soon as the signal came on he drove away. Unfortunately even I did not have any water with me to offer.

What upsets me is that this not a single instance; we come across many such instances wherein one ignores people in need. There are many campaigns or drives wherein one pledges their support towards helping people across the country or world. But when one can make the difference through these small gestures, one back out. Why???

Are we so busy in our lives that we don’t have the time? Are we so superior hence it is below our dignity to bend down to help a fallen one? Does our responsibility end by charging one’s credit card for charity?

It is not a matter of only helping the destitute, we come across many instances wherein one turns a blind eye to the needs of their dear ones as well.

God gave us the greatest of gift by giving us the birth of a Human. Human is one who has humane qualities. Do we have any compassion and sympathy for people, leave alone animals, especially for the suffering or distressed.

These instances make me question; are we fit to be humans?